Author: Diana

  • Getting To Show the World Just How Special You & Your Company Are

    Getting To Show the World Just How Special You & Your Company Are

    When you have a really special event coming up in your own personal life or that of your company, and you want to show everyone that you mean to celebrate, then engaging the services of a party or event planner is very often the best way to really put your…

  • Coprorate Events Need To Encompass Age, Ability  Mobility

    Coprorate Events Need To Encompass Age, Ability Mobility

    Wooh, event planning, now you are talking!  I have been on many an event, a few booked and paid for by my employer, but my goodness I have taken part in some good things.   Tthe best events are ones that take into account the parties atending, not only the host…

  • Getting Your Major Event Underway With Less Hassle

    Getting Your Major Event Underway With Less Hassle

    If you are involved in a spot of event planning, be that a corporate promotional event, a wedding or team building sort thing, then good organisation is absolutely necessary.  Firstly you need to sit down and work out what are the goals and objectives for the event – what are…