Coprorate Events Need To Encompass Age, Ability Mobility

Wooh, event planning, now you are talking!  I have been on many an event, a few booked and paid for by my employer, but my goodness I have taken part in some good things.   Tthe best events are ones that take into account the parties atending, not only the host & hostess.   Obviously if it’s a wedding or other family event that has to be perfect, then of course you need to concentrate on the main couple and their likes/dislikes etc.  However, if the event is say, a team building venture, then the best idea is to look at the age group of the majority of the participants and the break down of the genders.  If it’s mostly female with a handful of gents, then something in the cookery and hostessing side will usuall be a great idea as the chaps always liven up the competitiveness that comes with cookery!

I worked for the government for many years, and the team building events were very varied but with one common denominator – they had to be taken seriously and no absenteeism allowed.  The line manager would hear about folk absconding. I always liked the works ones as they were always organised by a contractor who specialised in group activity events and they were always challenging and well organised.  That’s what makes them a success or failure – organisation and the chance to shine for the shyer type!