In these extremely busy times, when a meeting is needed, one doesn’t just get the diary out and ring a few colleagues to check availability. No, this activity calls for something altogether more robust and interactive. In fact you can sign up with an association that is devoted to the very support of business meetngs and events. There has been an entire industry built up around that. This sort of thing would have been so helpful to me when I was on the governing body of a church aided school at the same time as being a parish councillor in the same village and alongside that, in fact as an adjoined role, I was also church secretary. Each was a completely separate function but because the church is so important in a village, it is interlinked between the activities.
Having to chair a meeting for the first time is daunting and if one doesn’t have the confidence to manage it, especially when there are contentious issues at stake, then it becomes a hair raising mess and people lose their trust in the council or body you are representing. Using an agency dedicated to the proper and correct running of meetings is such a good idea – it cannot be said that folk do not know how to run meetings!